The oils can penetrate cell membranes extremely quickly and circulate through the blood and tissues in a matter of seconds! The oils also cross the brain-blood barrier and effect the limbic system, the parts of the brain that control our mood, behavior and emotions. If you find you have lost your luster for life Raindrop therapy will have you centered and back to your normal self in no time!
Raindrop therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses essential oils to promote relaxation, reduce pain, and improve overall health. Some say that raindrop therapy can:
Reduce pain: Raindrop therapy can help relieve pain associated with chronic back pain, scoliosis, kyphosis, and sciatica.
Reduce stress: The essential oils used in raindrop therapy can help reduce stress, anxiety, and tension.
Improve circulation: The oxygenating properties of the essential oils can help improve circulation.
Boost the immune system: Raindrop therapy can help keep the body in peak health.
Aid in detoxification: The oils used in raindrop therapy are high in phenols, which can help cleanse cellular receptor sites and enhance the lymphatic system.
Reduce inflammation: Some essential oils used in raindrop therapy are powerful anti-inflammatory agents.
Ease respiratory discomfort: Raindrop therapy can help ease respiratory discomfort.
Balance and realign the body: The techniques used in raindrop therapy can help bring the body back into structural and electrical alignment.
The raindrop therapy treatment involves applying essential oils to the feet and spine in a special sequence, and then dropping them six inches above the spine. The treatment typically ends with an application of a hot towel.
The raindrop therapy treatment involves applying essential oils to the feet and spine in a special sequence, and then dropping them six inches above the spine. The treatment typically ends with an application of a hot towel.
Ensure you drink 6-8 glasses of water following a Raindrop session. Ideally 8 ounces each hour for six hours after treatment.
One Raindrop Technique may last months for one person, but then for another it may be necessary to have the application done every week until the body begins to respond. The key is to retrain the body.
Please note: Your health and wellness is important to us. Disclosure of all medical conditions and health concerns prior to your first session so we can work together to determine the appropriate treatments for your individual needs and concerns.
Certain conditions in conjunction with certain treatments may require you to obtain a doctor’s approval prior to treatment.
Everyone will experience the Raindrop Technique bodywork differently, depending on your body and circumstances.
Recipients may experience fatigue, increased energy, emotional release, or other short-term effects.
A safe and supportive space is provided to you for every experience. The recipient is kept modest at all times and we foster an environment of trust and respect. Keep your fingernails clean and well-trimmed. If essential oils get in the eyes, use V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex to flush, not water. Offer the recipient plenty of water at the end to help them hydrate.