Nervous System RESET

Prepare your body to optimize lymphatic flow with the Nervous System RESET. These sessions can be an initial releasing the body from fight/flight/freeze patterns, or a more in-depth 5 session series to determine your vagus nerve resilience. We utilize Kinergetics RESET® Kinesiology to achieve this balance.

Kinergetics RESET® Kinesiology is an established method of Specialized Kinesiology which uses muscle monitoring to identify and balance energetics stress in the different systems of the body. Created in 1991 by Philip Rafferty, this popular modality of Energy Kinesiology has fast, effective techniques which addresses the imbalances, mechanics, and psychology behind the human body.

RESET TMJ® (Rafferty Energy System of Easing the Temporomandibular Joint) is a simple, painless and effective technique that can be used to balance the body. RESET TMJ® directs healing energy through the muscles, nerves and ligaments in the jaw to achieve a state of balance quickly and easily.

Our 5 Series Session Includes:

  • Calming the body's fight/flight response

  • Toning the Vagus System

  • Stretch For Health

  • Balancing Nutrition & Toxicity

Potential Outcomes:

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Pain relief

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Better brain function

  • Enhanced sense of calm and control

  • Improved physical symptoms

  • Boosted energy and vitality

  • Improved relationships

FAQS of Nervous System RESET

What do I expect during my Nervous System RESET Sessions?

There are several different sessions that all include Kinergetics RESET® Kinesiology. These are to release tension and built up emotions in the TMJ and the muscles, bones and fascia in the face and head. These locations, when pent up, can store an amazing amount of stress, emotions and subconscious programming.

Some of the appointments entail the practitioner holding various locations on the body and some corrections involve gentle stretching of particular muscles in the body

The corrections are extremely relaxing, so lying down enhances the relaxation. Most of the corrections are done lying on a massage table and you are fully clothed during the sessions.

Working with the jaw can correct issues in other parts of the body?

Nervous System RESET is a simple way to balance the structure, energy and neurology of the muscles around the head and jaw. This method has been found to be effective for stress, hydration, pain, bruxism, growing pains, digestion, insomnia, headaches, and more.

Due to the powerful results of Kinergetics RESET® Kinesiology there are professionals worldwide such as massage therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, dentists and kinesiologists using these techniques in their facilities.

What are the different sessions available?

There are several different sessions available at this location:

• TMJ RESET (Two Session minimum)

• Vagus Nerve RESET

• Stretch For Health Kinergetics

• Balancing Nutrition & Toxicity

You can purchase a set of 5 Nervous System RESET Sessions that include each of these sessions.