A Major Difference

IonCleanse® Premier

Total Body Detoxification

The IonCleanse® by AMD’s proprietary and patented technology results in only biocompatible electrical frequencies entering the water. This elicits a relaxation response. Concurrently, these frequencies create an ionic field that cleanses and purifies the body through the healing power of ions.

The IonCleanse® process ionizes the water as H20 is split into OH- and H+ ions. These ions attract and neutralize oppositely charged toxins. After a session, the user feels calm, relaxed, and focused. Typical session times vary from 10-30 minutes, primarily based upon age.

The MOST Effective Detox Method

The IonCleanse® by AMD provides the most thorough and efficient way to cleanse and purify the body. It is a non-invasive, full body detoxification system that has a perfect safety record in its 15+ years in business.

The IonCleanse® by AMD helps the body detox through the healing power of ions.

Ions, because of their powerful charge, cleanse the body more effectively than any other method of detox. The process is safe and helps put the body into a natural relaxation state. conducted in a tranquil and relaxing, stress-free setting.

What is it?

This study revealed the presence of urea, glucose, and creatinine molecules in the bathwater after the IonCleanse® by AMD was used. See Full Study Here

IonCleanse® by AMD helps the body relax and gently detox in a way it has never been able to before, even if normal pathways of elimination are compromised. Detoxification and relaxation with the IonCleanse® by AMD is a protocol that can benefit your body in wonderful ways.

FAQS of IonCleanse® by AMD

Will I notice a change?

Yes, most people do! Remember, everybody is on their own timeline.

Some will notice a physical change the same day as their first footbath, whereas others take a longer time to notice a difference. Some may even notice that they feel a little bit worse before they feel better - all are normal reactions and are positive signs.

What are the precautions/contraindications of Lymphatic Enhancement?

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Anyone who falls into one or more of the categories listed below should not use the IonCleanse® system:

• A wearer of a pacemaker or any other battery operated or electrical implant

• Pregnant or nursing women

• Any person who is on heartbeat regulating medication

• Any person who has had an organ transplant

• Any person who is taking a medication, the absence of which would mentally or physically incapacitate them, e.g., psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.

RECOMMENDATIONS should be strongly considered:

• Many medications require that a blood level be maintained in order to be effective, such as blood pressure medication. You may be able to schedule an IonCleanse® session just before the administering of medication so that the patient or client can maintain proper blood levels.

• Make sure that patients with low blood sugar have eaten before an IonCleanse® session. The IonCleanse® tends to lower blood sugar in diabetics and may do so with those who are hypoglycemic.

• As a general rule, you can use the IonCleanse® with patients on dialysis, taking insulin, or experiencing congestive heart failure. Gentle cleansing will help the body eliminate toxins which the kidney and heart

Does it really work?

Yes. There are many scientific studies with great results using A Major Difference IonCleanse Detox. Investing in research to document the effectiveness of the IonCleanse by AMD is one of AMD's main priorities.

Is the material in the footbath really toxins releasing from my body?

Short answer - yes. It is estimated about 70% of the material in the tub comes from your body. However, The color of the water will change with or without feet. That’s because the ions also neutralize whatever is in your water source.